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Getting started

With AVADO anyone can easily run Web3 applications like staking or running blockchain nodes for personal use.

You get access through its WiFi hotspot or Remote Connect (set up).
The user-friendly UI allows you to use and manage the device from anywhere in the world.

It comes pre-installed with the AVADO OS, saving you a lot of time and research setting up a node.

Using an AVADO is convenient, secure and true to the spirit of decentralization.

Quick Start

  1. Connect your router Use the ethernet cable to connect your Avado to your router
  2. Power on Plug your AVADO into an electrical outlet. It will start automatically
  3. Manage your Avado
    1. Connect to the Avado wifi. The password is avado123
    2. Navigate to

Watch this video!

flowchart TD
A[Start] -->|Use the ethernet cable to connect your Avado to your router| B
B[Avado connected to your router] -->|Plug your AVADO into an electrical outlet| C[Avado automatically started]
C -->|Connect to the Avado wifi.
The password is avado123| D[Connected to Avado wifi] D -->|Navigate to and configure your avado| E[Avado configured]