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Avalanche Staking

What is Avalanche?

Avalanche is an open-source platform for launching highly decentralized applications, new financial primitives, and new interoperable blockchains.

Avalanche is an open-source platform for launching decentralized finance applications and enterprise blockchain deployments in one interoperable, highly scalable ecosystem. Developers who build on Avalanche can easily create powerful, reliable, and secure applications and custom blockchain networks with complex rulesets or build on existing private or public subnets.

Avalanche is built by Avalabs.


  1. Stake your crypto to earn rewards (Proof Of Stake Blockchain nodes)
  2. Developers who build on Avalanche can easily create powerful, reliable, and secure applications and custom blockchain networks with complex rulesets or build on existing private or public subnets.


You can use the Avado all-in-one package when:

  • you want to stake AVAX tokens as a delegator or a validator
  • you want to run an Avalanche Node
  • use the Avalanche web wallet


You’ll need a minimum of 2000 AVAX tokens to start a validator. Current value

If you do have some AVAX tokens (minimum 25 AVAX tokens), but less than the required minimum of 2000, you can alwasy delegate these tokens to an existing validator with this same package. Contact that trusted party.


Set up an Avalanche node on your Avado